Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Violent Passion*

Hey everyone,This is my first blog.. it's a collection of poems That tell a story..Hope you enjoy it..and i'm new here so 5foo 3lai.. (L)(K)

I lay on the floor with roses on the bed..
blood is everywhere, I just could not see..
The beast was gone, the war was over..
I had the urge to find him again..
Those lovely nights with my blushing face..
His lips that touched my skin..
This pure love in which i have..
Has white and black spots of vanished memories..
Those three words that made me crave for his existance..
Were followed with silent nights of pure agony..
I waited here, aching to tell him..
But alas, he was nowhere to be found..
I woke up in the morning with questions wandering in my mind..
Longing to see my knight in shinning armor at the door..
But i found a sorrowful note..
Revealing the death of my beloved..
I shattered into a million pieces..

I'm alone..

Just me for now..

And the little one inside of me.


  1. FINAALLLY BOOSHI !! you published your Creativity .. !!

    ITS AMAZING .. keep it Up Girl <3

    Love ya <3

  2. This is SHIT.
    get some damn writing lessons, you write like a retarded monkey.

  3. ahahah thnx anonymous ... i knw u feel threatened by it o ur jealous but face it im better than u owkaaaih ... :D

  4. Anonymous: How about u go get yourself some READING lessons ! That was GREAAAAT !! <3

    i Laaavvvvv'd it Booshii ! Walla Amazingly Done ! <3 ~!
    3ndch Mosta8bal Babe <3 !! ;**

    ~ TATTZ !!!

  5. Dude Get a Life -.-"


    ehh Freaking jelousy !

  6. No, it's not "amazing".
    Shit emo garbage.

    Words CAN NOT describe how much this sucks. I'm sorry, those who tell you you've got a future in this are lying. Don't humiliate yourself, kid.

  7. LOL .. Okai then if you hate Emo's So much then why are you here checking Out the blog again ?..

    "haters EveryWhere"

    Get Lost..

  8. Um, Newsflash Captain OBVIOUS. Aren't blogs made to be read?

    I simply read the post. And DAMN that was the worst mistake of my life!

    Funny how people think just because something sounds emo enough, they could pass off as writers.

    I'm observing, sharing my opinion. And I'm here to congratulate you both. You fail.

    Blogger was a much better community without you!

    xoxo :*

  9. LMAO! Sorry but I just have to agree with anonymous.

    Your post just didn't make sense at ALL XD I tried to read it repeatedly, it sucked. Sorry. I know that's not exactly what you wanna hear.

    Sho y5e9 "the little one inside you" f your beloved? Your getting way off topic, love XD

    Better luck next try ;)

    - Sprinkles ;*

  10. Booshi: oh yeah, i feel threatend by your crap writing, Oooooh, im scared. And i dont think im jelous cuz you write at a 6th grade level, just thought you needed to know.
    Tattz: reading lessons? I'm the highest in my class at english, especially in writing and reading, i'm way past BOTH of your writing AND reading levels.
    Sulfur(WhatTheFuck?): i would, but i already have one, and you obviously dont.
    Oh yeah and anonymous is right, this is some EMO SHIT.
    go cut yourselves you lifeless chickens.

  11. i understood.... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

    i mean hey.. u tried.. but next time make the poem more meaningful..
    i mean

    people might think u just lost your virginity... which is why u have blood on the bed... and u found out ur pregnant.... and u wanna tell that father of a bastard but hes dead?...

    unless u want people to think that way.. i donno

  12. Boo!
    Cry more, emo kid. Cry more :)
    Epic fail.

  13. My ass writes better than you.

  14. And the little one inside of me. < YOU EAT BABIES? D:
    Stop writing, you suck at it. and what is up with your zalama nicknames? seriously?

  15. Not bad for a start.
    but you don't get the aura of poems and sense when you read it, i think you should work harder on this.. poems aren't only about vocab words y'know :).
    best of luck

    i swear my lil bro can write better shit thn this!! ahahaha
    U SUCK
    find something else 2 do tht makes sense!!

  17. Dog shit is more interesting then this.

  18. plz stop my eyes r burning!!
    ur good at making ppl BLIND!!

  19. ur really bad at this!!
    STOP !!!
    ppl r telling the truth....ur really bad at this!
    hate it!
    this is bullshit!

  20. Are you SHITTING me?
    Walla mal 7kooma ROFL

    -Anonymous Guy

  21. 7aram 3laikm :S ga6a3tw el bnaya!
    It's not her fault she can't write!
    It's her "friends'" fault.
    Because they led her to believe she was good.
    Sorry, you suck

  22. yah true, friend's fault,
    ur actually not that bad just organize ur thoughts ad make sure your message is clear
    I didn't understand a thing, but u dont neccessarily suck in your english.

  23. well .....her friends just wnt 2 embaress her!!
    she's really bad!!
    u should go to a writing skewl!! they hav 2 teach u hw 2 write!!
    wat u write is nonsense!!

  24. Rough start?
    Yeah, we've all been there
    Don't worry you'll get the hang of it n prove them wrong ;)


  25. Anonymous:... I've been kinda stalking you around ,and,.. as far as I know.. you like sexual stuff which if you dont find in any blog you will go around bitching and saying stupid stuff:,.. for example., Lama the kuwaiti girl?. You've been reading every SINGLE post of her's cuz they had sexual contents in them??? GET A LIFE DUDE SHE'S MARRIED,. I'd rather go watch porn.. I read some of booshi's poem and they are pretty good and she's not gonna stop cuz an obstacle like you faced her,.

    Give booshi a break, .. she had been through alot.. >:3

    Booshi baba dont listen to what haters say.. You're doing just fine as start. Good Luck and wish you the best,. baseer asakit shwayit nas w i'll be back.

    UPDATE: Nothing is wrong with being emo or even having thier feeling and style..

  26. Anonymous: GO Fuck yourselves .. How about that ?? Leave My Friend Alone & Go Bugg Some1 ur own Age ! Pathetic Lifeless Losers .

    Booshi, Dont Even Bother Yourself and Reply to the Annoying Pitiable Assholes Here ..

    Good Job Babe, Waiting 4 Some More <3

    ~ TaTTz <3

  27. haters GO FUCK UR SELF AND GET A LIFE shooo mashy sh'3lh

    Good job booshii keep it up maa3laach mnhm

    koka <3

  28. What do u mean by"blood is all over the floor" does that mean u have ur period or something???!!!

    Btw its gd but not tht gd!

  29. @Devilicious,
    How can you stalk 'Anonymous' when everyone can post a comment as anonymous. It's not a nickname y'know. You act as if all those comments were one person. Each comment is a seperate person. And oh btw, you just admitted you were stalking someone. GREAT JOB.

  30. There is a guy called anonymous thats what devilicious tried to say? I think :S?

  31. u know wats stupid .. look above ! ur comments are 3 minutes apart .. that just proves wat an amazing exciting life u guys must have .. im sure u two are just some lame bored girls that have noting better to do in their lives than criticise people ..

    _l_ ! go Get yourselves a Life ! ~ Ooh ,, and u would suggest u guys do that fast .. cuz you're just .. SAD ! =( Pathetically Sad ~

    ~ TATTZ <3 !

  32. Ana 7laili mb faaaahma shay =(

    Plus im kinda new here =S

    WeEeEeEeEeEe~~~ Random post o3o

  33. @ "Tattz" you're really pissing me off bitch. You don't wanna piss me off :)..

    awalan Shit face, "CRITICISM" is what blogs are for. If you don't fucking want us to criticize DONT EFFING POST UR SHIT LOAD OF A POEM ONLINE. GOT IT BITCH? AND SECOND OF ALL I'M IN NO MOOD FOR YOU SKANK. If it were a good "poem" I'd say so. But I honestly calling it a poem is a fucking insult.

    And bitch, you don't know me, so don't fucking act like you do. At least I KNOW i need a life ;) Unlike you whose constantly checking if we'd replied yet just so you could start a fight.

    Well you want a fight? You got it. BRING IT BITCH.

    I'm spamming your whore of a friend till she leaves blogger! And till your ass leaves with her :) TRUST ME I'LL FIND YOU.

    Already got a background check on your "friend" here ;) Trust me. You DON'T wanna mess with me.

    Bye ho.

  34. I honestly think* :)

  35. for all my haters.... im not emoo !
    if u didnt understaand the poem its not my fault ! ur too stupid !! shu asaaweelkm ?
    o btw she didnt loose her virginity ! and she doesnt eat babies ! .... its written that the waar was over !!! thats y there's blood everywhere !! u stupid haters !!!
    o she turns out 2 be pregnaant from her husbaand !!! its not some emo bulshit !!! its whats happening in real life !! brave soldiers die everydaay !!! and they leave there beloved ones at home aloone !!!

    and 4 my faaav hater anonymous : stop cursing my friends !! o if u dont like my post deal with it ! cuz ill be posting agaain :D ... and yaaa AGAAIN I REPEAT IM NOT EMOO !! o i dont hate them !!! bel3aaaks i luv emoo ppl !!! they're poems rooock !!! they rock !!! .... so ppl mind ur own business !! if im emoo whats in it 2 u ?!
    and yaaa agaaain stop cursing my friends !! ... FYI !! im gr8 at writing poems and stories owkaaaih !!

    and one more thing thnx 2 all my lovely haters 4 letting mee knw that im soo speciaaal to them =3 .... i knw u loove mee :D .... and my nxt post will be dedicatd 2 u haters :D

    luuuv yaaa alll <3 :*
    *hugs* ... xoxo =3

  36. A5eeeeeeran radaiti 3al haters... I was kinda getting pissed off mn you're silence... :@

  37. lol, i looked at the comments and they r sooo hilarious especially the dude whos 4 some reason is threating to do disturbing thing(so much time in his/her hands)..... anyways its nice but for me i like poems that rhyme so... meh, ya did ur best but u could do better.

  38. Well, if she's pregnant, that means she did lose her virginity. I win.


  39. Huh what interesting comments u got bo… I think that anonymous guy (cause it gotta be a guy no girl would be THAT whiny XD) has a crush on u!!! wow! Didn’t know someone can comment that much and whine like a bitch in heat! It was entertaining!

    Though I wanna say something to u anonymous stalker dude (cause who the fuck does a bg check on someone?! That shows how fucked up u are u no life!) uve gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of line u asswhole!! Why the fucking hell are u discing some kid u don’t even know while calling then a whore and threatening at the same time? Give her a break u fucking asswhole! She’s just a kid who’s still in her early teens trying to discover her talent! She doesn’t need ur fucking discing every single time u hate something u fucking moron! SHUT THE FUCK UP and LAY OFF!! If u seriously need to read something and ENJOY it then go read some SMUT from fanfics or whatever dude.. u seriously are pathetic if ure gonna fight about something as simple as criticism.. what a bunch of fucking morons really.. if u hate something comment ONCE and IGNORE! Or just IGNORE and MOVE ON! Not everyone is good and not everyone is PERFECT!! And if ure gonna be a hater and fuck a person’s mind through bad reviews and whatnot then do it in a PROPHESIONAL way u asses! Stop bitching and fighting in comments! Its sounds pathetic and is annoying the blogger at the same time! We’re not pre-schoolers here! Its our personal blog! We can fucking do whatever we want in it even if we suck major shit! So shut up and get a life!! Now if we’re done with this shit I have some smut to read…

    Btw bo.. although it was somewhat metaphoric.. each line kinda jump on the other therefore sounding like jumbled thoughts that u just wrote down.. but it shows potential.. don’t mind the haters and just ignore.. take the good criticism thatll help u evolve.. ure still young but have potential to be great! U just need to read more cause itll help u in write whether its poetry or stories.. I know u don’t “like” to read u HAVE to.. I got lots of books back at home.. u know where they are.. start reading at least one chapter everyday.. ull finish a book in a month if u do.. I suggest either julie Garwood or Johanna Lindsey.. Judith Mcnaught is too advanced for now.. well ENJOY!!

    aishitaru imouto
    ur only Maimi <3 *chu*

  40. Boosh..... AWESOME job, soz when at skool i said blood on the bed, i memorized but mixed it up in my head soz :P
    anywaays gr8 job, keep it ^^^^^ fooog ^^^^^^

    Ciao - coloured-pens ;D

  41. booshie dont listen to those scum bags ur writing is gooooooooood they are just jealouse keep using that hand cuase it has magic in writing


  42. @Miami yeah, learn to spell kid. K? Oh, and, Yeah I'm weird, got a problem? Second, I'm a girl bitch. Third, I'm not angry, I'm taunting ;). Get back to school bitch. Oh and next time you may wanna keep your essays a bit shorter. I fell asleep half way through. So I stopped reading, seriously it's like mind raping.

    @Darkness same to you. "Jealouse" Go back to school with Miami Bitch.

  43. girl ha?? well at least i got the bitch part right XD though i suggest u act more girly cause i didnt feel it in ur speech pattern.. mind raping ha?? well at least i fucked something! and btw i have no spelling mistakes bub.. maybe one word was wrong because of speed typing but meh whatever u just pissed me off with ur childish so called "taunting" wench.. btw how old are u to be calling ME a kid?? u dont even know how old i am u chit.. btw why dont u ever leave a nick?? scared of something?? dont worry no one will stalk u..

    - Maimi <3

  44. well miss ur girl why dont u go find someone to fix ur brain atleast booshie wrote something touching did u bitch do a good writing in ur life and about school yea school is nicer place than to be with a bitch like u u might be old but ur brain is like a babies hell no babies brain are way better u have an animal's brain no i dont think so even animals are way to gentle and faithful so what the hell are u you are nothing nothing but the filth of the world so find a place that suites ur filth cuase here is the place of the writers with feelings and u dont belong here so fuck off

    and btw its
    pure darkness for u

  45. hahahahaha :P I swear the replies get funnier and funnier each day :P you guys try too hard. seriously chill. I just don't like the freakin poem. Mshkla 14 year olds-_-! Don't worry it'll pass out of ur system xD

    making fights out of nothin is so cliche, get over yourselves bitches xD

    Oh you want a nickname?

    - kiss my ass, Dee.

  46. thnx sis and darkness ! <3

    luvkm :* <3

    btw dee fuck off will ya ? ur pissing me off >.<
